The Album That Started an Adventure

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" A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." - Christopher Reeve

Hero of War is the adventure of Sir Poe.  Living in the land of Williamsburg, Poe lives  a normal childhood.  But that all changed when the Empire of Philipsburg attacked the once peaceful lands.  It is now up to Poe to lead the land of Williamsburg  into war to reclaim their freedom, and to destroy the Philipsburg Empire.

This 21 piece album is full of surprises that all will enjoy.  11 of the songs are artists from all around the world that were chosen by a contest that was held, found here.  It also has a storyline that goes with the songs found here.

Mr Review (Spectre) gives Hero of War 5/5 Stars
"Hero of War", one massive 21 track album wich features not only songs from it's author Poe but several other artists as well (11 to be precise). Of course, analyzing a release like this requires a somewhat different perspective as it's more like a compilation of various artists. That being said, every hand picked track on this album is a wonderful compliment to an already solid line-up of tunes wich can easily stand on their own, or in this case be enhanced with "bonus content".What is refreshing about "Hero of War 2.0" is it's electicism. Poe entitles his listeners to a variety of styles and remarkable compositions with genres ranging from both pop and edgier punk to hard and progressive rock. What's even more interesting when examining the insert is that every track in this collection is placed in an order that reflects the story behind the album. Thus, as the tale of the Hero of War unfolds, we see how every song and it's title matches the imaginative saga behind the release.Commenting on the "guest" tracks of this album won't be the main focus however. If we look at the artist himself, we can note a tendancy for more upbeat and straightforward arrangements. Most songs are short and to the point (ranging around 2:00-2:30 minutes on average) and don't throw too many curveballs. While simplistic and "safe" in it's approach, there's an undeniably catchy element to Poe's writing. Expanding on his main theme is probably what this artist does best as most songs stem from a core riff and take off. Mentionning specific examples of this would be rather unecessary as the majority of the tracks stick by this formula. There does sometimes tend to be very similar chord and riff patterns between some of the songs, but nothing that renders the overall product bland or repetive. When looking at the ensemble of what "Hero of War" 2.0 has to offer, there are indeed many hits and Poe backs these up with verve andconsistency. An album wich this critic thinks is definitely worth anybody's time and will undoubtedly lead to repeated listens.   5/5 Star Rating

SPECTRE'S WORD OF ADVICE: @Poe, staying in the same key for several songs can sometimes lead to a déjà vu impression when not being too audacious with chord arrangements and pickings. While some keys are known to lend to certain results more easily than others, with enough creativity, any scale can be used to produce a wide variety of sound